Why Printed Test Reports' Format Looks Different When Printed of PDF?

Printer settings can make the test report formatting look different (simpler) than the results viewed on the test set or their HTML version exported to a USB memory Stick

Although, the printer and PDF generation settings may be different depending on the computing device, OS and browser you are using to view and print exported test reports, the concept will be similar.

When a test report is exported to USB memory stick or later moved to a computer's internal storage, opening their HTML file will show a fully formatted test report on the default web browser.

A sample test report from a VeEX test set, as viewed on the instrument or web browser 

If, when you select to Print or PDF it, the result has a different formatting, just like the one below, that means that the printer/PDF driver settings need to be adjusted.

Partially formatted test report from VeEX test set (printed or PDF) due to printer driver settings

On the Print/Save as PDF dialog box, select More Settings... or Advanced Settings, then enable to print Headers and Footers and Background Graphics (or equivalent settings).

Print/PDF dialog box with recommended settings to generate properly formatted VeEX test reports

If generating a PDF, clock on Save to crate the file. If printing the report in paper, click on Print. The test report formatting should now look the same as displayed on the test set or computer.

An example of VeEX test report (printed or PDF) with the proper printer driver settings and formatting.

Note: This 10GE Ethernet Throughput sample test result was saved with the Advanced Saving option (Job Information) and the Owner Information profile filled and enabled. If supported and enabled, the Advanced Saving feature can also include the test site's geolocation coordinates and timestamp from GPS/GNSS, as well as the map.

Older test set or software versions may not support HTML formatting or adding customized owner information and logos.