Where to Find NTP Server URL Addresses to Sync the Test Set's System ToD Clock?

There are multiple trusted lists of local/regional Network Time Protocol servers, that can be used to keep VeEX Test Set's system clocks synchronized and accurate.

The use of Network Time Protocol (NTP) is one of the recommended ways to keep the system's time of day (ToD) accurate in certain VeEX test sets. It requires Internet connection (Wi-Fi or LAN) to reach the selected public or private NTP server.

If NTP is supported by the test set, go to >System Tools >Utilities >Settings >Global >General Settings, set the NTP Time Service field to the desired update frequency (e.g., 24 hours), and enter the desired NTP server's URL (or use the default). The location of the NTP setting fields may vary slightly from test set to test set. When enabled, the test set will get the time and date, and it synchronizes its system's run time clock (RTC) every time it connects to the Internet.

A list of local/regional NTP servers can be obtained from some trusted websites, such as ntppool.org, NIST, Google, government agencies/labs, etc. 

USA National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)

NTP Pool Project (Worldwide)

Google's Public NTP

  • time.google.com ←Actual NTP server URL (click on the link to go to their help page)

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is an essential internet protocol utilized for synchronizing computer clock time sources within a network. It is a foundational component of the TCP/IP suite and has a long-standing history. The term NTP encompasses both the protocol itself and the client-server programs that operate on computers.

If the test set is registered to a VeSion R-Server centralized Asset, results and workflow Management System, and its administrator has blocked the time settings, the Time of Day and Time Zone may not be able to be changed on the test set. The test set will get its official time from the R-Server only. The GNSS Sync ToD feature and NTP synchronization service won't be available either.