How to manage Flow profiles.
A Flow profile serves as a detailed guide for users to navigate through a job, providing a clear roadmap to follow. These profiles can be assigned to specific Workflows, enabling them to not only guide the user but also determine the status of each result.
To access the Flow profiles, open the menu and click on Flow Profiles.
The list of Flow profiles will appear. The headers are as follows:
- Name - Name of the Flow profile
- Step Count - How many steps are in the Flow profile
Creating a Flow Profile
Click on the + () icon to start creating a new Flow profile.
Provide a name for the Flow profile.
By selecting the Ordered checkbox, each step in the Workflow must be completed in the specific order defined by the Flow profile.
Note: Checking Ordered also makes all steps required.
Click Add Step () to begin.
Select a Result Type and Test Point for each step.
Result Types by Test Sets:
- FX81T, FX41xT
- PON OPM - Select Wavelength, Min and Max threshold. (Min assumes -95 and Max assumes 100 if no value entered)
- FL41
- Fault Locator - Select Wavelength. (currently only 1625nm available)
- OPM - Select Wavelength, Min and Max threshold. (Min assumes -95 and Max assumes 100 if no value entered)
- FX120
- Speed Test - Use test set result status, select between accepting Any status or PASS status.
- Fault Locator - Select Wavelength. (currently only 1625nm available)
- Fiber Scope - Use test set result status, select between accepting Any status or PASS status.
- PON OPM - Select measurement type (GPON, XGSPON, EPON, 10G EPON, 10G PON), Min and Max limit. (Min assumes -95 and Max assumes 8000 if no value entered). Add additional measurements to the step if needed. (For example, a test requires testing GPON and XGSPON).
- MTX150X-Lite
- Speed Test - Use test set result status, select between accepting Any status or PASS status.
- Image - User can take a picture and attach it to the Workflow.
- Question - Create customized questions for the user.
Leave text box blank for free text answers or create a multiple choice answer but typing a comma delimited list. - Signature - Provide a prompt to ask for signature.
Predefined Test Points are available for selection. If custom test points are needed, click on the + () icon to create new Test Points for the selected Result Type.
Press Save () to add the new Test Point or Cancel (
) to discard changes.
Once done, click Add Step () to add the step to the current Flow profile.
Flow step management:
Each step summary shows the Test Type (left) and the Test Point (right).
To edit a step, simply tap on the targeted step to expand.
- Add Measurement - Add additional measurement for this step.
- Trash icon - Delete this step.
- When Ordered is checked, holding the
icon allows the user to drag to re-order the steps.
- If the Ordered checkbox is not selected, you will see an Optional checkbox for each step. This allows you to choose whether a step is optional or required. If you skip a required step, the overall verdict for the workflow will be FAILED.
Saving and Deleting a Flow profile:
Once done editing, press Save () to save the new Flow profile or apply changes to an existing Flow profile.
To delete an exiting Flow profile, select to view the targeted profile by tapping on the profile entry in the Flow Profiles menu and click Delete. ()
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