Microsoft's SmartScreen is Preventing VeEX's Installer Program from Running, Showing the Warning: "Windows Protected Your PC"

If you encounter this warning, after trying to run a software installer downloaded from a VeEX's official page, you have the option to click on Show More and Run Anyway, to start the installation process.

In the event that you encounter this warning, after trying to run a software installer downloaded from any of VeEX's official pages, please Contact Us so we can address any issues with it. We take network security and vulnerabilities seriously.

However, if you downloaded the installer file from one of our trusted pages, subdomains or this Knowledge Base, and can't wait for our resolution, you may click on Show More and Run Anyway, to start the installation process. Note that the message or procedure may vary from browser to browser, depending on the type of security protection on your PC, the Windows version and your organization's IT security policies.

At VeEX Inc. we are strong advocates of network security, we do take these warnings seriously and you should too. However, network security field is constantly changing, and we do our best to keep our applications up to the latest's standard.

If you get that warning when trying to install a software or application downloaded from a third-party website (e.g., after a web search), we recommend searching for the same files directly on product pages or on this Knowledge Base first, to avoid any potential vulnerabilities. 

Should you still have any concerns about security vulnerabilities or want to report a VeEX application being blocked or warnings, please Contact Us.