How To Set Date & Time in VeEX Test Sets?

Depending on the test set, the date and time can be set via R-Server, NTP, GNSS(GPS) and/or Manually

 Start by setting the local Time Zone in >System Tools >Utilities >Settings >Date & Time >Time Zone (R-Server administrators may restrict users from changing the time zone). 

There are a few ways to set Time and Date and keep them updated (accurate):

R-Server: If your company uses VeEX's R-Server, the test set's clock is updated every time users login to upload results, or when they download work orders, profiles or new software. The test set gets the time from the server.

NTP Servers: Using Network Time Protocol is a recommended way to keep the test set's time accurate. It requires Internet connection (WiFi or LAN) to reach the selected public or private NTP server. If supported by the test set, go to >System Tools >Utilities >Settings >Global, set NTP Time Service field to the desired update frequency, and enter the desired NTP server's URL (or use the default). A list of local/regional NTP server can be found at, NIST, Google, government agencies/labs, etc. The test set will get the time every time it connects to the Internet.

Manual Entry: Go to >System Tools >Utilities >Settings >Date & Time, enter the current local date and time and press the Apply button.

GNSS: Test sets with the optional GNSS receiver (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou), can get accurate time directly from Gobal Navigation Satellite Systems. Go to >System Tools >Utilities >Settings >More >GPS/High-Precision Clocks >GNSS, configure the GNSS receiver, turn it ON, wait for it to acquire accurate time, then click on the Sync ToD button (Time of Day). For more details, refer to this Quick Guide video.