How to Register Test Sets to VeExpress?

VeEX test sets supporting VeExpress cloud service are registered, at the factory, to the original owner. If resold, the original owner must contact VeEX to move it to a new equipment/asset pool.

VeEX test sets supporting VeExpress cloud service (TX300s, RXT-1200, MTTplus) are registered at the factory, to the original owner. If the instrument is resold or transferred to another company, the original owner must contact VeEX to move it, and its associated licenses, to a different equipment/asset pool, so it shows the correct Company field. The company field can't be edited from the test set screen, as it is retrieved from VeEX's cloud.

Customers who have legally purchased used VeEX products, may also contact VeEX to request the transfer of the instrument and its associated licenses, to their equipment/asset pool. However, VeEX will check that the equipment in questions has not been blacklisted (reported lost, stolen or damaged) and will require confirmation from the original owner before proceeding. Test Sets purchased from questionable, gray or black markets will not be supported.

By going to >Utilities >VeExpress on their test sets, end users can freely change the content of the Tech ID and Tech Name fields, to make test sets easier to identify. After pressing Check, the new information will remain in the VeExpress cloud, until modified. This is important for administrators or managers using a browser to check their test equipment pool at, so they can identify the availability of equipment and test features' licenses. 

VeExpress Check screen

Note: After a software update, the Tech ID and Tech Name may be blank. It is recommended to press the Check button to see if it has already been registered. If the fields need updating, use the Home button to exit, then enter VeExpress again and edit the fields as needed. Press Check to submit the changes.

The Tech ID field is flexible and can also be filled with other information, such us identifying different groups, teams, cities, regions, etc. Just make sure that the ID format is consistent among all end users.

VeExpress requires Internet access (via Wi-Fi or RJ45 management).

Related Test Solutions

    • TX300s - All-in-one Test Platform (TX340s, TX300s-100Gx, TX320s)
    • RXT-1200 - Advanced Modular Test Platform
    • MTTplus - Modular Test Platform
    • VeExpress - Cloud-based License Management Service