How is Veritech Electronics Ltd Related to VeEX Inc.?

Veritech, located in New Taipei City, Taiwan, is the exclusive manufacturing branch of VeEX Inc.

Front entrance to Veritech Electronics Limited, VeEX factory in Taiwan

Part of the VeEX Group, Veritech Electronics Limited, located in New Taipei City, Taiwan, is the exclusive manufacturing branch of VeEX Inc. Most VeEX products are manufactured and shipped by Veritech, allowing full control the process from A to Z, design for manufacturing, agile product cycles and assure quality products, at competitive prices.

Veritech Electronics Limited's building, the VeEX factory in Taiwan

Veritech also provides repair, performance verification and calibration services to VeEX partners and customers.

The Veritech Electronics name also shows as the OUI (organization unique identifier), or registered vendor ID, in most VeEX products' MAC addresses (prefix 00:18:63:xx:xx:xx).