Technically YES, using the RS-449 Datacom test mode, since the signals are compatible with RS-530. However, we don't offer a DB25 test cable for RS-530. A DB37-to-DB25 adapter can easily be made, to match the specific pin-out of the DUT.
Although the MTX150 does not offer a test mode selection for EIA-530, TIA-530, RS-530 or RS530, the RS-499 serial interface shares the same signals and it can be used to test RS-530 links. The typical RS-530 interface uses a DB25 connector, while the RS-449 cable supplied by VeEX uses DB37 connector. So, a DVI-to-DB25 or DB37-to-DB25 adapter would be required. For BER testing, the simplest approach would be to use VeEX's RS-449 DTE cable and a simpler passive RS449/DCE(female)-to-RS530/DTE(male) adapter. Since both interfaces and pin-outs are standard, it should not be difficult to find a commercially available one.
However, there are different versions of the RS-530 interface and connectors, which makes it difficult to offer a single native test cable for it. That is why we recommend making adapters for the DB37 RS449 cable or adapter cables directly from the DVI connector to RS-530, with the required connector and pin-out for the device under test (DUT).
Suggested RS449-to-RS530 DTE Adapter
The following suggested wiring scheme, from DB37 RS449 DTE to DB25 RS530 DTE, is to be used along with VeEX's RS449 DTE (DB37 male) Test Cable (P/N: F02-00-016G). Left side represents a DB37 female connector. Right side representa a DB25 male connector.
Test Set's Configurable Datacom Connector
When ordered with the Datacom testing (hardware) option, the MTX150 comes equipped with a female 29-pin MicroCross connector (DVI style). The port can be configured as DTE or DCE. This is the generic pin-out:
TX130E & MTX150 DVI Connector (Female) | |
Pin | Signal |
1 | TXC_RXC_A |
2 | CTS_A |
3 | DSR_A |
4 | DCD_A |
5 | RI_RL |
6 | LL_TM |
7 | RTS_A |
8 | DTR_A |
9 | TXC_RXC_B |
10 | CTS_B |
11 | DSR_B |
12 | DCD_B |
13 | TM_LL |
14 | RL_RI |
15 | RTS_B |
16 | DTR_B |
17 | RXC_A |
18 | RXC_B |
19 | RXD_A |
20 | RXD_B |
21 | TXD_B |
22 | TXD_A |
23 | TXCE_B |
24 | TXCE_A |
C1 | Ground |
C2 | Ground |
C3 | Ground |
C4 | Ground |
C5 | Ground |
RS530 DTE Connector Pin-out (DB25)
Ordering Part Number: N/A
Pin | Signal | Description |
1 | Shield | |
2 | TxD (A) | Transmitted Data |
3 | RxD (A) | Received Data |
4 | RTS (A) | Request To Send |
5 | CTS (A) | Clear To Send |
6 | DSR (A) | Data Set Ready |
7 | SGND | Signal Ground |
8 | DCD (A) | Data Carrier Detect |
9 | Receive Signal Element Timing DCE (B) | |
10 | DCD (B) | Data Carrier Detect (B) |
11 | Transmit Signal Element Timing DTE (B) | |
12 | Transmit Signal Element Timing DCE (B) | |
13 | CTS (B) | Clear To Send (B) |
14 | TxD (B) | Transmit Data (B) |
15 | Transmit Signal Element Timing DCE (A) | |
16 | RxD (B) | Receive Data (B) |
17 | Receive Signal Element Timing DCE (A) | |
18 | LL | Local Loopback |
19 | RTS (B) | Request To Send (B) |
20 | DTR (A) | Data Terminal Ready (A) |
21 | RL | Remote Loopback |
22 | DSR (B) | Data Set Ready (B) |
23 | DTR (B) | Data Terminal Ready (B) |
24 | Transmit Signal Element Timing DTE (A) | |
25 | Test Mode |
VeEX RS449 DTE Test Cable (DVI-to-DB37)
Ordering Part Number: F02-00-016G
DVI (Male) | DB-37 (Male) | ||
Pin | Signal | Pin | Signal |
1 | TXC_RXC_A | 5 | ST(A) |
2 | CTS_A | 9 | CS(A) |
3 | DSR_A | 11 | DM(A) |
4 | DCD_A | 13 | RR(A) |
5 | RI_RL | *** | |
6 | TM_LL | 10 | LL |
7 | RTS_A | 7 | RS(A) |
8 | DTR_A | 12 | TR(A) |
9 | TXC_RXC_B | 23 | ST(B) |
10 | CTS_B | 27 | CS(B) |
11 | DSR_B | 29 | DM(B) |
12 | DCD_B | 31 | RR(B) |
13 | LL_TM | 18 | TM |
14 | RL_RI | 14 | RL |
15 | RTS_B | 25 | RS(B) |
16 | DTR_B | 30 | TR(B) |
17 | RXC_A | 8 | RT(A) |
18 | RXC_B | 26 | RT(B) |
19 | RXD_A | 6 | RD(A) |
20 | RXD_B | 24 | RD(B) |
21 | TXD_B | 22 | SD(B) |
22 | TXD_A | 4 | SD(A) |
23 | TXCE_B | 35 | TT(B) |
24 | TXCE_A | 17 | TT(A) |
C1 | GND | ||
C2 | GND | ||
C3 | GND | ||
C4 | GND | ||
C5 | GND | 1 | PGND |
C5 | GND | 19 | SGND |
Shield | GND | Shield | GND |
VeEX RS449 DCE Test Cable (DVI-to-DB37)
Ordering Part Number: F02-00-015G
DVI (Male) | DB-37 (Female) | ||
Pin | Signal | Pin | Signal |
1 | TXC_RXC_A | 5 | ST(A) |
2 | CTS_A | 7 | RS(A) |
3 | DSR_A | 12 | TR(A) |
4 | DCD_A | 13 | RR(A) |
5 | RI_RL | 14 | RL |
6 | LL_TM | 18 | TM |
7 | RTS_A | 9 | CS(A) |
8 | DTR_A | 11 | DM(A) |
9 | TXC_RXC_B | 23 | ST(B) |
10 | CTS_B | 25 | RS(B) |
11 | DSR_B | 30 | TR(B) |
12 | DCD_B | 31 | RR(B) |
13 | TM_LL | 10 | LL |
14 | RL_RI | *** | |
15 | RTS_B | 27 | CS(B) |
16 | DTR_B | 29 | DM(B) |
17 | RXC_A | 17 | TT(A) |
18 | RXC_B | 35 | TT(B) |
19 | RXD_A | 4 | SD(A) |
20 | RXD_B | 22 | SD(B) |
21 | TXD_B | 24 | RD(B) |
22 | TXD_A | 6 | RD(A) |
23 | TXCE_B | 26 | RT(B) |
24 | TXCE_A | 8 | RT(A) |
C1 | GND | ||
C2 | GND | ||
C3 | GND | ||
C4 | GND | ||
C5 | GND | 1 | PGND |
C5 | GND | 19 | SGND |
Shield | GND | Shield | GND |
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