Can VeEX MTX150 Test Set Be Used To Test EIA/TIA-530 (RS-530) Datacom Links?

Technically YES, using the RS-449 Datacom test mode, since the signals are compatible with RS-530. However, we don't offer a DB25 test cable for RS-530. A DB37-to-DB25 adapter can easily be made, to match the specific pin-out of the DUT.

Although the MTX150 does not offer a test mode selection for EIA-530, TIA-530, RS-530 or RS530, the RS-499 serial interface shares the same signals and it can be used to test RS-530 links. The typical RS-530 interface uses a DB25 connector, while the RS-449 cable supplied by VeEX uses DB37 connector. So, a DVI-to-DB25 or DB37-to-DB25 adapter would be required. For BER testing, the simplest approach would be to use VeEX's RS-449 DTE cable and a simpler passive RS449/DCE(female)-to-RS530/DTE(male) adapter. Since both interfaces and pin-outs are standard, it should not be difficult to find a commercially available one.

Simplified diagram showing an MTX150 test set with an RS-449 datacom cable and an DB37-to-DB25 adapter for RS530 datacom interface

However, there are different versions of the RS-530 interface and connectors, which makes it difficult to offer a single native test cable for it. That is why we recommend making adapters for the DB37 RS449 cable or adapter cables directly from the DVI connector to RS-530, with the required connector and pin-out for the device under test (DUT).

Suggested RS449-to-RS530 DTE Adapter

The following suggested wiring scheme, from DB37 RS449 DTE to DB25 RS530 DTE, is to be used along with VeEX's RS449 DTE (DB37 male) Test Cable (P/N: F02-00-016G). Left side represents a DB37 female connector. Right side representa a DB25 male connector.

Suggested wiring map for an RS449 DTE (DB37 female) to RS530 DTE (DB25 male) datacom adapter.

Test Set's Configurable Datacom Connector

VeEX's MTX150 Connector Panel view

When ordered with the Datacom testing (hardware) option, the MTX150 comes equipped with a female 29-pin MicroCross connector (DVI style). The port can be configured as DTE or DCE. This is the generic pin-out:

29-pin MicroCross (DVI) Connector used as the main configurable datacom interface

TX130E & MTX150 DVI Connector (Female)
Pin Signal
8 DTR_A 
10 CTS_B
11 DSR_B
12 DCD_B
13 TM_LL
14 RL_RI
15 RTS_B
16 DTR_B
17 RXC_A
18 RXC_B
19 RXD_A
20 RXD_B
21 TXD_B
22 TXD_A 
C1 Ground
C2 Ground
C3 Ground
C4 Ground
C5 Ground

RS530 DTE Connector Pin-out (DB25)

Ordering Part Number: N/A

DB25 DTE (male) Connector

Pin Signal   Description
1   Shield
2 TxD (A) Transmitted Data
3 RxD (A) Received Data
4 RTS (A) Request To Send
5 CTS (A) Clear To Send
6 DSR (A) Data Set Ready
7 SGND Signal Ground
8 DCD (A) Data Carrier Detect
9   Receive Signal Element Timing DCE (B)
10 DCD (B) Data Carrier Detect (B)
11   Transmit Signal Element Timing DTE (B)
12   Transmit Signal Element Timing DCE (B)
13 CTS (B) Clear To Send (B)
14 TxD (B) Transmit Data (B)
15   Transmit Signal Element Timing DCE (A)
16 RxD (B) Receive Data (B)
17   Receive Signal Element Timing DCE (A)
18 LL Local Loopback
19 RTS (B) Request To Send (B)
20 DTR (A) Data Terminal Ready (A)
21 RL Remote Loopback
22 DSR (B) Data Set Ready (B)
23 DTR (B) Data Terminal Ready (B)
24   Transmit Signal Element Timing DTE (A)
25   Test Mode

VeEX RS449 DTE Test Cable (DVI-to-DB37)

Ordering Part Number: F02-00-016G

29-pin MicroCross (DVI) Connector used as the main configurable datacom interface RS499 DTE DB-37 Male Connector

DVI (Male)   DB-37 (Male)
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 TXC_RXC_A 5 ST(A) 
2 CTS_A 9 CS(A)
3 DSR_A 11 DM(A)
4 DCD_A 13 RR(A)
5 RI_RL   ***
6 TM_LL 10 LL 
7 RTS_A 7 RS(A)
8 DTR_A 12 TR(A)
9 TXC_RXC_B 23 ST(B)
10 CTS_B 27 CS(B)
11 DSR_B 29 DM(B)
12 DCD_B 31 RR(B)
13 LL_TM 18 TM 
14 RL_RI 14 RL 
15 RTS_B 25 RS(B)
16 DTR_B 30 TR(B)
17 RXC_A 8 RT(A) 
18 RXC_B 26 RT(B)
19 RXD_A 6 RD(A)
20 RXD_B 24 RD(B)
21 TXD_B 22 SD(B)
22 TXD_A 4 SD(A)
23 TXCE_B 35 TT(B)
24 TXCE_A 17 TT(A)
C1 GND    
C2 GND    
C3 GND    
C4 GND    
Shield GND Shield GND

VeEX RS449 DCE Test Cable (DVI-to-DB37)

Ordering Part Number: F02-00-015G

29-pin MicroCross (DVI) Connector used as the main configurable datacom interface  RS449 DCE DB-37 Female Connector

DVI (Male)   DB-37 (Female)
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 TXC_RXC_A 5 ST(A) 
2 CTS_A 7 RS(A)
3 DSR_A 12 TR(A)
4 DCD_A 13 RR(A)
5 RI_RL 14 RL 
6 LL_TM 18 TM 
7 RTS_A 9 CS(A)
8 DTR_A 11 DM(A)
9 TXC_RXC_B 23 ST(B)
10 CTS_B 25 RS(B)
11 DSR_B 30 TR(B)
12 DCD_B 31 RR(B)
13 TM_LL 10 LL 
14 RL_RI   ***
15 RTS_B 27 CS(B)
16 DTR_B 29 DM(B)
17 RXC_A 17 TT(A)
18 RXC_B 35 TT(B)
19 RXD_A 4 SD(A)
20 RXD_B 22 SD(B)
21 TXD_B 24 RD(B)
22 TXD_A 6 RD(A)
23 TXCE_B 26 RT(B)
24 TXCE_A 8 RT(A) 
C1 GND    
C2 GND    
C3 GND    
C4 GND    
Shield GND Shield GND

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